50th Anniversary of the film ‘Swallows and Amazons’ at Windermere Jetty in Cumbria

Saturday 29th June, 2024 – hosted by The Arthur Ransome Society

10.00am – The exhibition at Windermere Jetty opens. See Arthur Ransome’s dinghy Scarab, Swallow and Amazon from the 1974 film along with Titmouse from the BBC serial of Coot Club and other interesting boats.

There will be a display of 1974 movie memorabilia.

The Altounyan family hope to bring the original Amazon once called Mavis.

Enjoy the Swallows and Amazons lakeside camp and knot tying.

10.30am – Heritage boat trips on the steamboats Osprey and either Lady Elizabeth or Penelope who appeared in the Rio scenes. (This is at an extra cost)

10:30am – Film screening of Swallows and Amazons (1974)

11.00am onwards. Grab a chance to sail Amazon with an experienced skipper. Book with Sail Swallow and Amazon.

12:15am – Talk by Peter Wright on ‘How Ransome came to write Swallows and Amazons‘.

12:30pm  – second showing of film Swallows and Amazons (1974)

Lunch at the Cafe on the lake where the Wooden Boat Regatta is gathering

2:15pm  – Meet the cast, crew and screenwriter of Swallows and Amazons (1974) – introduced by John Sergeant, President of The Arthur Ransome Society. Do bring any books for signing. Simon West (John), Suzanna Hamilton (Susan), Sophie Neville (Titty), Kit Seymour (Nancy), Kerry Darbishire (Nurse) will be with David Wood OBE (screenwriter), Peter Robb-King (Make up designer), Daphne Neville (Chaperone) and others who worked on the film made in the summer of 1973.

3:00pm – Talk by Sophie Neville on ‘The making of Swallows and Amazonsfeaturing which scenes from the film were shot on Windermere.

4:00pm – The Boatband Concert

5:00 pm  – final showing of film Swallows and Amazons (1974)

Strolling Singers will perform as and when the mood takes them

6:30pm  Close

The film crew of ‘Swallows and Amazons’ wait with Swallow at the end of the jetty while Simon West, Suzanna Hamilton and Sophie Neville line up by the launch

Sunday 30th June, 2024 – hosted by The Arthur Ransome Society

10.00am – The exhibition at Windermere Jetty opens. See Arthur Ransome’s dinghy Scarab, Swallow and Amazon from the 1974 film along with Titmouse from the BBC serial of Coot Club.

The Altounyan family hope to bring the original Amazon once called Mavis.

There will be a display of 1974 movie memorabilia, a Swallows and Amazons camp and activities for children.

10.30am – Heritage boat trips on the steamboats Osprey and either Lady Elizabeth or Penelope who appeared in the Rio scenes. (This is at an extra cost)

10:30am – showing of film Swallows and Amazons (1974)

11.00am onwards. Grab a chance to sail Amazon with an experienced skipper. Book with Sail Swallow and Amazon.

12:15am – Meet the cast, crew and screenwriter of Swallows and Amazons (1974) – introduced by John Sergeant, President of The Arthur Ransome Society. Do bring any books for signing. Suzanna Hamilton (Susan), Sophie Neville (Titty), Kit Seymour (Nancy), Kerry Darbishire (Nurse) will be with David Wood OBE (screenwriter), Peter Robb-King (Make up designer), Daphne Neville (Chaperone) and others who worked on the film made in the summer of 1973.

1:00pm – Talk by Sophie Neville on ‘The Making of Swallows and Amazons

1:45pm – Second second showing of film Swallows and Amazons (1974)

3:15pm – Talk Peter Wright on ‘How Ransome came to write Swallows and Amazons

4:00pm – The Boatband Concert

5:00pm close

Swallows and Amazons map of Windermere